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Qualitative Research Method

Theory and Practice

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This publication has a very specific and clear goal, which is, to foucs on the needs of a variety or readers, including students, researchers, and teachers of qualitative research methods. This book not only has theoretical considerations, but also has intensely practical consideration. For students of qualitative research methods, this book provides a framework of qualitative research writing and a variety of accounts of experiences related to interview, focus group discussion (FGD), and different levels of the important aspects of writing. In addition, for experienced researches as well as teachers of qualittaive research methods, they are encouraged to study, explore, and create those aspects related to the process of qualitative research. Therefore, from this book, students can learn a framework of qualitative research writing; researchers and teachers, too, can hone their previous qualitative research writing skills and deepen their grasp of this area.

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Ikhtisar Lengkap   
Penulis: Sari Wahyuni

Penerbit: Salemba Empat
ISBN: 9789790614253
Terbit: Juni 2012 , 250 Halaman


This publication has a very specific and clear goal, which is, to foucs on the needs of a variety or readers, including students, researchers, and teachers of qualitative research methods. This book not only has theoretical considerations, but also has intensely practical consideration. For students of qualitative research methods, this book provides a framework of qualitative research writing and a variety of accounts of experiences related to interview, focus group discussion (FGD), and different levels of the important aspects of writing. In addition, for experienced researches as well as teachers of qualittaive research methods, they are encouraged to study, explore, and create those aspects related to the process of qualitative research. Therefore, from this book, students can learn a framework of qualitative research writing; researchers and teachers, too, can hone their previous qualitative research writing skills and deepen their grasp of this area.

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Pendahuluan / Prolog

Qualitative Research Method: Theory and Practice
Many people think that qualitative research is indisputably complex and complicated. In academic circles, it is often said to be important, yet in everyday academic practice it is not always treated accordingly. In teaching, methodology is often a mandatory course. Usually, it consists of learning how to adopt several common approaches when doing research, and how to conceive a research design (often leading to a survey). Not many students interested to conduct qualitative research due to perceptions that qualitative studies is more difficult to be conducted, demand more time, and difficult to convince reader about the subjectivity and validity of the data. This publication is trying to counter affect this argument by providing thorough knowledge on how to conduct a sound and reliable qualitative study.

This book not only has theoretical considerations, but also has intensely practical considerations with some example on how to conduct qualitative research as well some suggested reading at the end of each chapter.

This book has not been written for fellow academic methodologists. It is mainly aimed at teachers and lecturers who want to pay attention to methodology in their courses. This may involve working on research assignments, explaining certain methodological aspects of specialized knowledge, as well as supervising Master’s and Ph.D. projects. Above all this book is aimed at students or lecturers working in the field of management.


Sari Wahyuni - Sari Wahyuni, SIP., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Dosen senior di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia (FEB-UI). Penulis menyelesaikan studi S-1 dari Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), kemudian memperoleh gelar M.Sc. dan Ph.D. dari University of Groningen, Belanda. Karier internasionalnya dimulai ketika dia mengajar di Universiy of Groningen dan menjadi Associate Professor di Nottingham University, Malaysia Campus. Pada tahun 2006, ia memutuskan kembali ke tanah air (Indonesia) dan bergabung dengan FEB-UI.

Sejak 2003–2011, ia tercatat sebagai Visiting Profesor tahunan di University of Groningen Belanda untuk mengajar Local Economic Resource Development Programme. Sejak 2015–2017, aktif sebagai dosen tamu di ASERIC (Asean European Innovation Centre), Belanda untuk beberapa training (pelatihan) di Rotterdam, Belgia, dan London.

Ketertarikannya terhadap pengembangan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK), dimulai dengan keterlibatannya dalam beberapa riset international untuk pengembangan kluster dan menulis buku Competitiveness of Special Economic Zone: Comparison between Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, dan China. Aktif sebagai penulis di berbagai jurnal internasional, penulis adalah pendiri dari the South East Asean Journal of Management. Saat ini, penulis mengemban amanah sebagai President of Indonesia Strategic Management Society (ISMS).

Daftar Isi

Sampul depan
Tabel of Contents
Chapter 1: What is Qualitative Research
     What is Qualitative Research?
     History of Qualitative Research
     Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
     How We Identify which Methodology is Right for You?
     Qualitative Approaches
     Characteristics of Qualitative Research
     Problems in Qualitative Research
     Suggested Readings
Chapter 2: Type and Techniqueof Qualitative Research
     The Research Pyramid
     Research Paradigms
     Research Methodology
     Method in Qualitative Research
     Technique of Qualitative Research
          Focus Group Discussion
          Written Description by Participant
          Visual Image
     Suggested Readings
Chapter 3: Measurement in Qualitative Research
     Unit Analysis
          Purposive Sampling
          Quota Sampling
          Snowball Sampling
     Validity Issues
          Construct Validity
          Content Validity
          Internal Validity/Credibility
          External Validity/Transferability
     Relation between Reliability and Validity
     Data Analysis
     Maintain the Validity of Research
     Suggested Readings
Chapter 4: Interview
     Advantages and Disadvantages of Qualitative Interview
     Types of Interview
          Structured Interviews
          Semi-structured Interviews
          Unstructured Interviews
          Informal Interviews
     Step of Interviews
          The Interview
     How to Make Good Questions?
          Covering Sensitive Topics
          Establishing Rapport
          Accessing the Setting and Deciding How to Present One-self
          Build Positive Image
          Develop Trust
          Understanding the Language and Culture of the Respondent
          Locating an Informant
          Collecting Empirical Materials
     Qualification for a Good Interviewer
     Training the Interviewers
     Suggested Readings
     Appendix 4.1: Sample Key Stakeholder Interview Guide
Chapter 5: Focus Group Discussion
     History of Focus Groups
     Usage of Focus Groups
     Advantages of Focus Group
     Disadvantages of Focus Group
     Structure of Focus Group
     Deciding FGD Participant
     Types of Focus Group
     Recruiting Participants
     Important Note for Each Step of Focus Group Discussion
     Steps in Conducting the Session
     Tips in Handling Different Personalities and Emotional States
          Dominant Participant
          Participants Who Like to Interrupt
          Aggressive Participant
          Shy Participant
          Angry Participant
          Crying Participant
          Tired Participant
     Ethical Guidelines for FGD
          Need to Explain the Purpose of FGD
     Informed consent
     Suggested Readings
Chapter 6: How to Write a Good Proposal?
     Guideline in Writing a Proposal
          Title Page
          Executive Summary
          Main Research Questions and Sub-questions of the Research
          Theoretical Background
     Suggested Readings
     Appendix 6.1: Sample of Qualitative Research Proposal
Chapter 7: How to Draw Good Analysis?
     Types of Analysis
          Narrative Analysis
          Content Analysis
          Conversation Analysis
          Discourse Analysis
          Grounded Theory
          Phenomenology/Heuristic Analysis
          Literary Criticism
     Analysis Strategies
          Stages of Analysis and Interpretation of Findings
          Establishing the Trustworthiness of Information
          Software Packages Designed to Handle Qualitative Data
     Suggested Readings
Chapter 8: Example of Case Study Report
     Appendix 8.1: Research Methodology
     Appendix 8.2: Case Study of KLM and Northwest Alliance
     Appendix 8.3: Comparison and Discussion of the Result from the Case Studies
     Appendix 8.4: List of Questionnaire
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