Ade Dewi Trisna Hartika

This dedicated English teacher, Ade Dewi Trisna Hartika, S.Pd, possesses a genuine passion for educating children and relishes in the opportunity to engage with the broader community. Her enthusiasm for teaching is not only evident in her classroom but also extends to her active involvement in teacher development programs. Beyond education, she finds solace in nature-related activities and takes pleasure in immersing herself in music. Her commitment to the field of education is underscored by her role as a supervisor for the International Conference of Young Social Scientist in 2021, where the students under her supervision achieved a commendable bronze medal. Fueled by her love for teaching English, she is currently pursuing a master's degree in Master of TESOL at Monash University, Australia. With this higher education, she aspires to leverage her knowledge and skills to make a meaningful contribution to her community in the future.

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