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Unraveling Linguistic Horizons

The English Concept

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This book, Unraving Linguistics Horizons: The English Concept, provides valuable Information about the evolution of English language from Its early stages to the most recent developments. The authors have endeavored to present high-quality and valid Information on how the English language was introduced, learned, and adopted by the majority of people worldwide. Additionally, they have not overlooked providing engaging discussions on the influence of the development of the English language on native languages, local cultures, and other related aspects.

This book consists of 12 chapters, which are:

Chapter 1: Unraveling Linguistic Origins

Chapter 2: Linguistic Diversity

Chapter 3: Modern English and Globalization

Chapter 4: Cultural Expression Chapter 5: Language in Education

Chapter 6: English as a Medium Usage: English Implication on Global Communication

Chapter 7: English Theory in Education

Chapter 8: The future Prospects and Challenges of English as a Global Language in Education

Chapter 9: Language Evolution

Chapter 10: English as a Gateway

Chapter 11: The Language Diplomacy Chapter 12: A Concept of English Horizons

As discussed above, the authors have made an effort to explain each topic using very clear and easily understandable language for readers. Therefore, for literature enthusiasts, especially those interested in English literature, it is essential to have this book as part of their reference collection.

Ikhtisar Lengkap   
Penulis: Malisa / Roi Boy Jon / I Gede Perdana Putra Narayana / M. Zaenal Abidin / Faksi Rana Al Kahfi / Ely Hardianti / Wini Ranti / Hilwa Alfiani Fitri / Ade Dewi Trisna Hartika / Muhammad Azhar Kholidi / Apriliana / Agustina Sinta Erlina
Editor: ABD Majid

Penerbit: Penamuda Media
ISBN: 9786230964145
Terbit: Juli 2023 , 200 Halaman


This book, Unraving Linguistics Horizons: The English Concept, provides valuable Information about the evolution of English language from Its early stages to the most recent developments. The authors have endeavored to present high-quality and valid Information on how the English language was introduced, learned, and adopted by the majority of people worldwide. Additionally, they have not overlooked providing engaging discussions on the influence of the development of the English language on native languages, local cultures, and other related aspects.

This book consists of 12 chapters, which are:

Chapter 1: Unraveling Linguistic Origins

Chapter 2: Linguistic Diversity

Chapter 3: Modern English and Globalization

Chapter 4: Cultural Expression Chapter 5: Language in Education

Chapter 6: English as a Medium Usage: English Implication on Global Communication

Chapter 7: English Theory in Education

Chapter 8: The future Prospects and Challenges of English as a Global Language in Education

Chapter 9: Language Evolution

Chapter 10: English as a Gateway

Chapter 11: The Language Diplomacy Chapter 12: A Concept of English Horizons

As discussed above, the authors have made an effort to explain each topic using very clear and easily understandable language for readers. Therefore, for literature enthusiasts, especially those interested in English literature, it is essential to have this book as part of their reference collection.

Pendahuluan / Prolog

Kata Pengantar
First and foremost, I would like to thanks to the only One God who has given me chance and health to finalize this book entitled “Unraveling Linguistics Horizons: The English Concept”. This book exists to enrich the literature of English knowledge, especially the development of English language’s history. By reading this book, the readers will be able to find the pivotal milestones of English language development.

This book is divided into 12 chapters that provide invaluable information for readers about the evolution of the English language from its early stages to the most recent developments and, of course, its relevance to the contemporary world.

Furthermore, I would like to say “thank you very much” to everyone who has involved in this project. Without your hard efforts, it would be so hard to finalize this book. Hopefully, God will grant us blessings and mercies due to this effort.

Nonetheless, in the creation of this very simple book, we cannot provide an exhaustive and detailed account of the development of the English language. Therefore, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, as it can serve as a reference for us to create more comprehensive books in the future.


Malisa - alisa lahir di Rarang pada tanggal 12 Oktober 1997, merupakan seorang guru Bahasa Inggris yang saat ini sedang menempuh Pendidikan Master of TESOL di Monash University Australia dengan beasiswa LPDP. Selama berkuliah S1 bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Mataram (UIN Mataram), Malisa pernah mengabdi sebagai tutor TOEFL, penerjemah dan penulis di Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa (P2B) UIN Mataram (2019-2022) Selain itu, ia juga aktif mengikuti berbagai organisasi yang berkaitan dengan Pendidikan maupun aktivitas relawan. Antara lain meliputi: Morning English Talks (METs) (2017-2020), menjadi tutor di lembaga kursus Saggaf Language Center (2020 ), menjadi bagian dari divisi pendidikan dan tutor di English Student Association (2018-2019), Koordinator tim di Sahabat Muda Mataram (2018-2019), nonil ^c Ikl[’ Community (2017-2018), English Study Club (ESC) (2017-2018), Forensic English Society (2017). Ia juga pernah menjadi juara 1 lomba Karya tulis ilmiah dalam Bahasa Inggris yang diselengarakan oleh P2B UIN Mataram (2020) dan juara 1 Lomba debat Bahasa Inggris tingkat fakultas UIN Mataram (2018 dan 2019).
Roi Boy Jon - Roi Boy Jon adalah seorang anak petani yang lahir di desa yang cukup terpencil dimana pekerjaan dari mayoritas masyarakatnya adalah di bidang pertanian. Sejak duduk di bangku Sekolah Dasar (SD) sampai Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) penulis sudah tertarik di dunia pengajaran. Salah satunya adalah ketika dia ditugaskan menjadi salah satu pengajar al qur'an di masjid wilayah tempat tinggalnya.

Selanjutnya, penulis adalah seorang yang sangat suka terlibat dalam aktifitas pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Untuk mengasah kemampuan mengajarnya, dia sudah mengikuti beberapa kegiatan seperti; relawan mengajar di beberapa instansi baik formal maupun non-formal; tutor Bahasa inggris di organisasi; dan membuka kursus Bahasa Inggris secara privat yang berkenaan dengan TOEFL dan Bahasa Inggris umum.

Selain aktif dalam kegiatan pengajaran, penulis juga aktif dalam kegiatan sosial seperti menggalakkan fundraising serta memberikan semangat untuk korban bencana alam seperti banjir dan gempa bumi. Hal itu dilakukan karena kepeduliannya terhadap sesam, karena dia percaya bahwa ketika kita melakukan kebaikan, Allah subhanahu wata'ala pasti akan membalasnya dengan yang lebih baik.
I Gede Perdana Putra Narayana - I Gede Perdana Putra Narayana. Seorang pengajar Bahasa Inggris berpengalaman selama 7 tahun. Ia senang mengajar, melakukan public speaking, membaca, menulis, berolahraga, berdiskusi, dan mengikuti banyak pelatihan pengembangan diri.

Sekarang, Ia sedang menempuh kuliah Pasca Sarjana pada bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di sebuah universitas negeri di Mataram, Lombok, dengan IPK 3,96.

Ia juga menjadi pengajar profesional di dua kursus swasta di kota Mataram dan mengajar Bahasa Inggris secara sukarela di kampungnya, kampung Abiantubuh.
M. Zaenal Abidin - M. Zaenal Abidin merupakan bagian dari lembaga Straya Language Institute, sebuah organisasi yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan dan sosial. Zaenal Lahir di Desa Batujai, Lombok Tengah, 29 Maret 1999 dan merupakan mahasiswa angkatan 2017 jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah di UIN Mataram. Sekarang, Zaenal sedang menempuh pendidikan Magister di bidang ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY).

Singkatnya selain menjadi mahasiswa S2, Ia aktif menulis buku, essai, opini, dan menjadi penulis di kanal Duta Damai NTB 2019- 2021, Pernah menjadi narasumber dalam Program Holistik Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Desa (PHP2D) Bastrindo Universitas Mataram 2020, pemenang opini tingkat nasional FKIP Universitas Mataram 2021, Pemenang Esai Tiga Harapan Nasional 2023, juara pertama artikel MPR-RI NTB Hajjah Wartiah 2020, Juara ke tiga Artikel terbaik dari Fianosa.com, dan pemenang ke dua dan ketiga dalam kanal NineVibe.com periode SeptemberDesember 2022. Sekarang Ia merupakan penerima beasiswa bergengsi dari Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) untuk studinya.
Faksi Rana Al Kahfi - Faksi Rana Al Kahfi, Seorang yang lahir pada 21 April 1998 dan berasal dari Dsa Bujak, Lombok Tengah. Dia lulusan dari Universitas Mataram pada tahun 2021 dan saat ini sedang menempuh program Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia dengan status penerima beasiswa LPDP 2023. Semasa mahasiswa sarjana dia aktif sebagai organisatoris seperti menjadi Sekretaris Jendral di BEM Universitas Mataram, Ketua di Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi (HMPS) Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris atau dengan nama lain Student Association of English Education Program (SAE2P) , menjadi ketua di Organisasi Kerohanian Majelis Taklim Al Kahfi FKIP Unram dan aktif mengikuti beberapa komunitas mengajar lainnya. Dengan pengalaman tersebut, membuat dia mampu menulis Buku Book Chapter j_ln[g[hy[ \_ldo^of ‚R_`f_emc Sno^c P[m][m[ld[h[‛ ^[h dengan dasar tersebut dia tetap menulis.
Ely Hardianti - Ely Hardianti lahir di Mamben Lauk pada 28 Desember 1997. Ia menempuh S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di UIN Mataram sejak tahun 2016- 2020. Ia memulai karir pertamanya di SMK Peternakan Lengkok Lendang, kemudian melanjutkan sebagai guru Bahasa Inggris di SDSMP An-Nur Jamaluddin Suralaga dan SMK IT Yasrun NW Teko sejak tahun 2020-2022. Saat ini ia sedang menempuh S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Selain aktif di beberapa kegiatan akademik, ia juga mulai mendalami bidang kepenulisan sejak setahun terakhir. Ada satu pesan yang terus memacu semangatnya untuk terus berkarya ‚Ol[ha \if_b j[h^[c m_nchaac langit, tapi selama ia tidak menulis, ia akan hilang di dalam M[my[l[e[n & S_d[l[b‛. Menulis adalah bekerja untuk keabadian (Pramoedya Ananta Toer).
Wini Ranti - Wini Ranti adalah founder bimbingan belajar QECE (Qur'an & English CEnter) dan guru Bahasa Inggris di Madrasah Aliyah Bengkulu Tengah.

Penulis lahir di Pondok Kubang pada 13 Februari 1999. Riwayat pendidikan penulis adalah MIN Pondok Kubang/MIN 1 Bengkulu Tengah tahun 2004, MTs. Qaryatul Jihad Pondok Kubang tahun 2010, SMAN 09 Kota Bengkulu 2013. Pada tahun 2016, penulis melanjutkan pendidikan S-1 di IAIN Bengkulu/UIN Fatmawati Soekarno Bengkulu dengan jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris. Selain aktif mengerjakan tugas sekolah/kuliah, penulis aktif di berbagai kegiatan agama dan pendidikan di Ma'had Al-Jami'ah UINFAS Bengkulu. Penulis juga aktif mengikuti kegiatan sosial dibidang Pendidikan, bencana dll. Penulis pernah mengikuti kegiatan relawan di beberapa kabupaten di Bengkulu, Riau, dan Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat. Sekarang, penulis sedang menempuh pendidikan Pascasarjana di Universitas Negeri Malang dengan beasiswa LPDP Kementerian Keuangan.

Penulis bernama lengkap Cut Nurnadia AH, S.P
Hilwa Alfiani Fitri - Hilwa Alfiani Fitri is a long-life student, originally from Bonder Village, Indonesia. She has a bachelor’s in English Education from the Mataram Islamic University, and currently pursuing her Master of Arts in English Language Studies at the Sultan Zainal Abidin University, Malaysia. She has been teaching for a nearly decade and still remains in borough she adores.
Ade Dewi Trisna Hartika - This dedicated English teacher, Ade Dewi Trisna Hartika, S.Pd, possesses a genuine passion for educating children and relishes in the opportunity to engage with the broader community. Her enthusiasm for teaching is not only evident in her classroom but also extends to her active involvement in teacher development programs. Beyond education, she finds solace in nature-related activities and takes pleasure in immersing herself in music. Her commitment to the field of education is underscored by her role as a supervisor for the International Conference of Young Social Scientist in 2021, where the students under her supervision achieved a commendable bronze medal. Fueled by her love for teaching English, she is currently pursuing a master's degree in Master of TESOL at Monash University, Australia. With this higher education, she aspires to leverage her knowledge and skills to make a meaningful contribution to her community in the future.
Muhammad Azhar Kholidi - Muhammad Azhar Kholidi, S.Pd., M.Ed. is a youth whose passion is on educationrelated activities. He was born and raised in a tiny village in Central Lombok, Selebung Rembiga, in the District of Janapria. He obtained his Bachelor of Education in English Language Teaching at the most renowned University in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara in 2018, fully funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia under the Bidikmisi grant. He then pursued his education at Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia under the NTB Scholarship scheme. Recently, He is a full-time translator at the University of Mataram as long as he is chosen as one of the Internationalization and Bilingualization Teams of UNRAM. Besides, he teaches at various levels and institutions, both online and offline, like Boardicle, Scholars Official, English Mate, and Scholastic Asia. He teaches ESP, Public Speaking, General English, EYL, TOEFL and MUET courses.

He also actively writes scholarly articles and book chapters during his busy time. His research interest lies in ELT, Selfdirected Learning, Learner and Teacher Autonomy, and Technology in ELT.
Apriliana - Apriliana was born in Klaten, Central Java.

Her life has been a vibrant mosaic of learning, accomplishments, and global adventures.

At Yogyakarta State University, where April received her degree in English Education, she not only excelled in the classroom but also won various competitions. Thanks to these accomplishments, she was able to travel to Japan and the Philippines, participate in international events in Malaysia, and travel to Thailand. In her own country, April twice won the gold medal in teaching contests.

Her career journey has been equally dramatic. April worked for three years as the English coordinator for an Indonesian startup, making a substantial contribution to its development and success. Additionally, she spent two semesters teaching at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta while working as a staff at Yogyakarta State University.

A keen interest in language education and the creation of instructional materials has characterized April's career path.

Currently, she is using the prestigious LPDP scholarship to pursue a Master's in TESOL at Monash University. She wants to work as an educator, using the power of language to motivate younger generations.
Agustina Sinta Erlina - Agustina Sinta Erlina's journey began in Palembang, Indonesia, where she found solace in books and music. With a thirst for knowledge, she pursued her bachelor’s degree in English Education Study Program at Sriwijaya University. As a passionate English teacher and a reading specialist, she ignited curiosity in her students. Now she is pursuing higher education at Monash University, where she delved deeper into academia in Master of TESOL. Music, especially the piano, became her refuge. Sinta's life is a testament to the power of passion in words and music, inspiring others to let their hearts dance to the rhythm of their dreams.

Daftar Isi

Cover Depan
Halaman Balik Judul
Kata Pengantar
Daftar Isi
Chapter 1 Unraveling Linguistic Origins
     A. History of Linguistics
     B. The development of linguistics
     C. The Field of Linguistics
     D. Comparative Linguistics and Language Evolution
Chapter 2
     A. Dialects
     B. Accents
     C. Sociolects
     D. Ethnolects
     E. Registers
     F. Language Standardization
Chapter 3
     A. Modern English
     B. The Time When Modern English Started
     C. The Process of How Modern English Started
     D. The English Language Has Evolved Over Time
     E. Modern English and Globalization
     F. The Influence of Globalization to the Use of Modern
     G. English as a Global Language
     H. English as the Bridging Gaps between Cultures in the
Chapter 4
     A. Cultural Expression
Chapter 5
     A. Historical Evolution of Language in Education
     B. English as a Lingua Franca in Education
     C. Opportunities and Challenges of English in Education
Chapter 6
     A. Colonialism and Imperialism
     B. Cultural implication
     C. International relation and diplomacy
     D. The advantages and disadvantages of having a lingua
     E. The Role of English in Multinational Corporations and
     F. The implications of English as a medium of instruction
Chapter 7
     A. Behaviorist Theory
     B. The Innatist/ Universal Grammar Theory
     C. Interactionist Psychological Development
     D. Interactionist Social Development
     E. The Communicative Theory
     F. Krashen’s Monitor Model
     G. Interlanguage
     H. Contemporary Research
     I. A suggested method for TESL/TEFL
Chapter 8
     A. The Future Prospects of English as a Global Language
     B. The Future Challenges of English as a Global Language
Chapter 9
     A. Technology and Language
     B. The Evolution of English in the Social Media Age
     C. English Evolution in the Internet Age
     D. How English Evolves Continuously to Adapt to New
Chapter 10
     A. English in Academia: Unlocking Global Opportunities
     B. The Impact of English Proficiency on Career
     C. English for Personal Growth
     D. Key Takeaways
Chapter 11
     A. The Precision of Diplomatic Language
     B. The Power of Silence and Non-Verbal Communication
     C. Cultural Sensitivity and Understanding
     D. Conclusion
Chapter 12
     A. Impacts of Global English on Other Languages
     B. Cultural Implications
     C. Challenges for Non-Native Speakers
About the Author
Cover Belakang