Muhammad Azhar Kholidi

Muhammad Azhar Kholidi, S.Pd., M.Ed. is a youth whose passion is on educationrelated activities. He was born and raised in a tiny village in Central Lombok, Selebung Rembiga, in the District of Janapria. He obtained his Bachelor of Education in English Language Teaching at the most renowned University in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara in 2018, fully funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia under the Bidikmisi grant. He then pursued his education at Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia under the NTB Scholarship scheme. Recently, He is a full-time translator at the University of Mataram as long as he is chosen as one of the Internationalization and Bilingualization Teams of UNRAM. Besides, he teaches at various levels and institutions, both online and offline, like Boardicle, Scholars Official, English Mate, and Scholastic Asia. He teaches ESP, Public Speaking, General English, EYL, TOEFL and MUET courses.

He also actively writes scholarly articles and book chapters during his busy time. His research interest lies in ELT, Selfdirected Learning, Learner and Teacher Autonomy, and Technology in ELT.

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