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English as A Medium of Intruction

Perspectives, Theories, and Practice

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In recent times, there has been a shift in perspective regarding the use of the English language in non-native English-speaking countries, where, in the past, English was merely one of the subjects of study. However, due to global demands, English is currently being promoted as the medium of instruction in educational institutions.

In Indonesia, for instance, English has gradually assumed a significant role in the field of education. This is evident in the fact that both public and private educational institutions, ranging from elementary schools to universities, have begun incorporating English language curricula that must be studied by all students. Furthermore, in prestigious schools and universities, English is not only a subject but also serves as the primary language of instruction in classrooms. Furthermore, according to a report by Dearden, J. in 2014, data revealed that the percentage of English usage as the medium of instruction is higher in private institutions compared to public ones. Within this concise volume, readers will encounter a myriad of perspectives concerning the utilization of the English language as the medium of instruction in the realm of education. These viewpoints encompass a range of considerations, including whether English truly aligns with the cultural and indigenous wisdom of the Indonesian nation, as well as strategies for effectively, efficiently, and enjoyably implementing English as the medium of instruction. Additionally, various subtopics are

explored, all of which are attuned to the contemporary context. The contributors to this book strive to provide a simple yet profound understanding of the use of English as the medium of instruction in classrooms. They also elucidate a diverse array of highly beneficial practices that educators or teachers can employ within the classroom, thus contributing to the existing body of literature and references for educators on the subject of using English as the medium of instruction. What the contributors convey in this book is a reflection of their learning experiences, both as students and as educators or teachers, making it a comprehensive and insightful resource

Ikhtisar Lengkap   
Penulis: M. Zaenal Abidin / I Gede Perdana Putra Narayana / Naftalia Fany Payung / Benri Purba / Siti Husna Maab / Nurul Febrianty. B / Fadhilanisa Salsabila / Warni Dominggus Sulu / Muhammad Fardiansyah Irwan / Fitri Okladis Dwi Saputri
Editor: ABD Majid

Penerbit: Penamuda Media
ISBN: 9786230963414
Terbit: November 2023 , 179 Halaman



In recent times, there has been a shift in perspective regarding the use of the English language in non-native English-speaking countries, where, in the past, English was merely one of the subjects of study. However, due to global demands, English is currently being promoted as the medium of instruction in educational institutions.

In Indonesia, for instance, English has gradually assumed a significant role in the field of education. This is evident in the fact that both public and private educational institutions, ranging from elementary schools to universities, have begun incorporating English language curricula that must be studied by all students. Furthermore, in prestigious schools and universities, English is not only a subject but also serves as the primary language of instruction in classrooms. Furthermore, according to a report by Dearden, J. in 2014, data revealed that the percentage of English usage as the medium of instruction is higher in private institutions compared to public ones. Within this concise volume, readers will encounter a myriad of perspectives concerning the utilization of the English language as the medium of instruction in the realm of education. These viewpoints encompass a range of considerations, including whether English truly aligns with the cultural and indigenous wisdom of the Indonesian nation, as well as strategies for effectively, efficiently, and enjoyably implementing English as the medium of instruction. Additionally, various subtopics are

explored, all of which are attuned to the contemporary context. The contributors to this book strive to provide a simple yet profound understanding of the use of English as the medium of instruction in classrooms. They also elucidate a diverse array of highly beneficial practices that educators or teachers can employ within the classroom, thus contributing to the existing body of literature and references for educators on the subject of using English as the medium of instruction. What the contributors convey in this book is a reflection of their learning experiences, both as students and as educators or teachers, making it a comprehensive and insightful resource

Pendahuluan / Prolog

Kata Pengantar
First, I would like to thanks to the only One God who has given me chance and health to finalize this book. The existing of this book will enrich the literature of English knowledge. Generally, this book explains about the specific topic that focuses on the use of English as a medium of instuctions.

This book is devided into several chapters. Every chapter discusses specifically about a single issue that exists today. Every contributors try to bring all the discussion into a real life situation in order to make the readers easy to understand the message.

Furthermore, I would like to say “thank you very much” to everyone who has involved in this project. Whithout your hard efforts, it would be so hard to finalize this book. Hopefully, God will grant us blessings and mercies due to this effort. Finally, it is undeniable that this book also has lack. So, every conributive suggestions are always be expected to make it better.

Do not hesitate to make critics and suggestions.


M. Zaenal Abidin - M. Zaenal Abidin merupakan bagian dari lembaga Straya Language Institute, sebuah organisasi yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan dan sosial. Zaenal Lahir di Desa Batujai, Lombok Tengah, 29 Maret 1999 dan merupakan mahasiswa angkatan 2017 jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah di UIN Mataram. Sekarang, Zaenal sedang menempuh pendidikan Magister di bidang ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY).

Singkatnya selain menjadi mahasiswa S2, Ia aktif menulis buku, essai, opini, dan menjadi penulis di kanal Duta Damai NTB 2019- 2021, Pernah menjadi narasumber dalam Program Holistik Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Desa (PHP2D) Bastrindo Universitas Mataram 2020, pemenang opini tingkat nasional FKIP Universitas Mataram 2021, Pemenang Esai Tiga Harapan Nasional 2023, juara pertama artikel MPR-RI NTB Hajjah Wartiah 2020, Juara ke tiga Artikel terbaik dari Fianosa.com, dan pemenang ke dua dan ketiga dalam kanal NineVibe.com periode SeptemberDesember 2022. Sekarang Ia merupakan penerima beasiswa bergengsi dari Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) untuk studinya.
I Gede Perdana Putra Narayana - I Gede Perdana Putra Narayana. Seorang pengajar Bahasa Inggris berpengalaman selama 7 tahun. Ia senang mengajar, melakukan public speaking, membaca, menulis, berolahraga, berdiskusi, dan mengikuti banyak pelatihan pengembangan diri.

Sekarang, Ia sedang menempuh kuliah Pasca Sarjana pada bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di sebuah universitas negeri di Mataram, Lombok, dengan IPK 3,96.

Ia juga menjadi pengajar profesional di dua kursus swasta di kota Mataram dan mengajar Bahasa Inggris secara sukarela di kampungnya, kampung Abiantubuh.
Naftalia Fany Payung - Berasal dari keluarga yang berkultur adat Toraja. Selepas meraih gelar Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Bosowa, Naftalia langsung melanjutkan pendidikan S2 di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.

Penulis saat ini sedang aktif dalam perkuliahannya dan beberapa kegiatan dalam lainnya. Dia memiliki sifat yang lembut dan pendengar yang baik.
Benri Purba - Benri Purba merupakan salah satu guru Bahasa Inggris di SMKN 1 Malinau, Kabupaten Malinau, Provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Penulis lahir di Desa Sipinggan Kecamatan Purba Kabupaten Simalungun Sumtera Utara Pada Tanggal 19 Bulan Oktober Tahun 1983. Penulis menempuh pendidikan dimulai dari SD NEGERI 091361 PURBA KINALANG (lulus tahun 1997),melanjutkan ke SLTP Bunda Mulia Saribudolok (lulus tahun 2000),dan menempuh pendidikan SMU di SMU Van Duynhoven Saribudolok (lulus tahun 2003) Penulis saat ini sedang menempuh pendidikan Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Penulis menamatkan pendidikan S1 Sastra Inggris di Universitas Sumatera Utara.
Siti Husna Maab - Siti Husna Maab, perempuan penikmat alam yang antusias dengan hal-hal baru memilih untuk mulai menulis buku pertamanya ini bersama dengan teman-teman sejawat. Saat menulis buku ini, ia sedang berdomisili di Sleman untuk menyelesaikan studi Pascasarjana di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Ia telah menyelesaikan pendidikan dasar di MI NWDI Reban Tebu pada tahun 2012, dan melanjutkan pendidikan di Mts Putri NWDI Narmada dan MA Muallimat NWDI Pancor, selanjutnya mendapatkan gelar S.Pd di Universitas Hamzanwadi Selong. Perempuan yang kerap disapa Husna penyuka puisi dan film ini sedang menikmati indahnya aksara seperti indahnya bunga Edelweis di atas Rinjani sana.
Nurul Febrianty. B - Nurul Febrianty. B lahir di kota Makassar, Kelurahan Karuwisi Utara, Kecamatan Panakkukang, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan pada tanggal 07 februari 2000. Penulis merupakan anak pertama dari pasangan Baharuddin dan Nurmiati, S.H. Memiliki 1 adik Perempuan dan satu adik laki-laki. Penulis merupakan alumni TK Kartika Wirabuana XX-1 pada tahun 2005, kemudian melanjutkan ketingkat Sekolah Dasar di SDN Pongtiku I pada tahun 2005 sampai 2011, kemudian melanjtkan lagi ketingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama di SMPN 10 Makassar pada tahun 2011 sampai 2014. Kemudian melanjutkan ditingkat Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di SMK Publik Makassar pada tahun 2014-2017, kemudian melanjutkan ditingkat perguruan tinggi di Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo pada tahu 2017-2023 dengan mengambil jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan dan Keguruan lalu memperoleh gelar sarjana S.P.d. Kemudian penulis melanjutkan pendidikannya di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta pada tahu 2023 dengan jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.
Fadhilanisa Salsabila - The author is an alumnus of the Bachelor of English Education at Brawijaya University (UB) and is currently pursuing a Postgraduate Diploma in English Education at Yogyakarta State University (UNY). The author is a recipient of the Kaltim Tuntas Scholarship since her undergraduate studies and continued to the Master level, which is specifically for student from East Kalimantan.

Aside from writing, she enjoys singing, traditional dancing, and exploring coffee. Her hobbies since she was in elementary school have made her win several singing and dancing competitions at the provincial and faculty levels. Readers should not hesitate to greet and get acquainted with the author because the author is very friendly and active in using social media. The Readers can reach out the author via her Instagram social media account @dhilaafsss_ and Gmail, Fadhilanisa14@gmail.com
Warni Dominggus Sulu - Has been a civil servant since 2014 until now. Additionally, she also works as an English teacher at a Senior High School in MALINAU. She is also taking the opportunity to continue her studies at Yogyakarta State University, dreaming to sharpen her knowledge and experience.
Muhammad Fardiansyah Irwan - currently pursuing his Master's degree at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), majoring in English Language Education program. He has a deep interest in the field of English language education policies and curriculum development. During his undergraduate studies, he delved into writing skills and grammar.

He was also actively involved in social activities and engaged in several campus organizations. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and is also a mobile gaming enthusiast.
Fitri Okladis Dwi Saputri - She is the second of five siblings of Sudirman and Jamila. She began her study at SD Inpres Lambengi. Then, be continued her study at SMPN 3 Pallangga in 2012 and graduated in 2015.

In the same year, she continued her study at SMAN 1 Gowa and graduated in 2018. In 2018, she was accepted as a student at English Education Department, Faculty of Languages and Literature, State University of Makassar. In 2021, she earned her bachelor's degree cum laude and was the best student in the English Education study program. Having one year of teaching experience, made her want to learn more in order to understand many more things, then she continued her studies to the master's level in early 2023 with the same study program, namely English Education in Yogyakarta State University.

Daftar Isi

Cover Depan
Balik Halaman Judul
Kata Pengantar
Daftar Isi
Bab 1 Background and Focus Discussion
     A. Conctext
     B. Focus Discussion
Bab 2 The Role of English in Pedagogies
     A. Scenario
     B. Context
     C. Definition of Pedagogics
     D. Pedagogic Theory
     E. English for Academic Purposes
     F. The Role of English in Pedagogics
     G. Roles of English Learning
     H. Pedagogical Objectives
Bab 3 Advantages and Disadvatages of English as Medium of Intruction in ELT in Indonesia
     A. EMI in Indonesia Context
     B. How is English as Medium of Intruction in English Language Teaching?
     C. What are the Advantages and the Disadvantages of Using English as a Medium of Intruction?
     D. How is EMI in ELT in Indonesian Context
     E. What are the Policies Regarding English as Medium of Instrucrtion in Indonesia?
     F. How is the Display of English Teacher's English Proficiency in Indonesia?
     G. How is the Depiction of Student's English Proficiency in Indonesia?
     H. What are the Advantages and the Disadvantages of Using English as a Medium pf Intruction in English Language Teaching in Indonesia?
     I. How to Support the Use of English as Medium of Instruction in ELT in Indonesia?
Bab 4 The Globalization Impact on the Use of English in Indonesian Education
     A. Scenario
     B. Context
     C. The Utilization of English in Indonesian Education
     D. The Advantages and Disadvantages of English Globalization in English Language Education
Bab 5 The Practice of English as a Foreign Language and Its Implications for Teaching in The Context of Indonesiia Culture
     A. Challenges That Indonesian Students Face When Learning English as a Foreign Language
     B. Cultural Considerations that English Language Teachers in Indonesia Should Keep in Mind When Designing Their Lessons
     C. English Language Teachers in Indonesia Assess the Effectiveness of Incorporating Local Culture into Their Lesson Plans
     D. Examples of Local culture That English Language Teachers in Indonesia Incorporate into Their Lesson Plans
     E. Different Effect of Local Culture Integration in Indonesian English
     F. English Language Teachers in Indonesia Modify Their Lesson Plans to Incorporate Local Culture for Different Age Groups
Bab 6 Methods in Improving English Language Skills
     A. Scenario
     B. Context
     C. Grammar Translation Approach
     D. Direct Method
     E. The Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Bab 7 Methods for Developing Critical Thingking Skills in the Context of English Language
     A. Scenario
     B. Context
     C. The Relationship between English Language and Critical Thinking Skills
     D. Project Based Learning (PBL)
     E. Peer Review
     F. Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
Bab 8 Challenges in Understanding English Language Subjects in General
     A. Causes of Difficulties in Learning English
     B. Effective Learning Techniques to Improve English Skills
     C. Resources for Practicing and Improving English Proficiency
     D. Common Mistakes in English Language Learning
     E, Ways to Overcome English Language Learning Challenges
Bab 9 Preparation and Competency Training of Educators for Teaching English
     A. Scenario
     B. Context
     C. Theoretical Foundations of Educator Preparation
     D. Key Competencies for English Educators
     E. Strategies and Approaches for Educator Preparation
     F. Challenges and Solutions in Educator Preparation
Bab 10 Perspective (The Independent Curriculum) and Its Implications for Students in Sultural Differencess in Indonesia
     A. Scenario
     B. Context
     C. Perspective (The Independent Curiculum) and Its Implication for Students in Cultural Differences in Indonesia
Bab 11 The Use of English and Its Implication for Specific Disciplines
     A. The Role of English in the Global Context
     B. The Position of English in Indonesia
     C. The Use of English in Education
     D. Communicative Language Teaching
     E. Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT)
     F. Total Physical Response (TPR)
     G. Content Based Instruction (CBI)
     H. Implications of Using English for Disciplines
Bab 12 A Bilingual/Multilingual Approach to English Language Learning
     A. Definition of Bilingualism and Multingualism
     B. Benefits of Bilingual or Multilingual Education
     C. Implementing Bilingual Education in School
     D. Challenges and Supports for English Language Learners in Bilingual Programs
     E. Multiple Effective Strateegies for Giving Students Studying English in Bilingual Programs, the Chance to Develop Their Language
Daftar Pustaka
Tentang Penulis
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