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Marketing Mix Strategy on College Decision PTMA in East Java Region

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This study aims to determine the role of word of mouth in mediating the influence of the marketing mix on college decisions at the PTMA campus in East Java. This research consists of one independent variavle is marketing mix, one intervening variable word of mouth and one dependent variable is college decision. This study uses sample data collection through questionnaires. Withe the number of respondents 125 students and alumni of the PTMA East Java campus. Data analysis in this study used the statistical technique Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study indicate that there are two significant direct effects, marketing mix on word of mouth and college decisions, and word of mouth on college decisions does not have a significant effect. Then this study show 1 indirect effect which is not significant, marketing mix to collage decision through word of mouth. Base on the results of the study, college should maintain a marketing mix strategy so that they can improve word of mouth and college decisions for prospective students.

Ikhtisar Lengkap   
Penulis: Rita Ambarwati / Dewi Komala / Happy Amira / Jindan Alwifaqi

Penerbit: Pustaka Rumah C1nta
ISBN: 9786234320251
Terbit: Mei 2022 , 70 Halaman


This study aims to determine the role of word of mouth in mediating the influence of the marketing mix on college decisions at the PTMA campus in East Java. This research consists of one independent variavle is marketing mix, one intervening variable word of mouth and one dependent variable is college decision. This study uses sample data collection through questionnaires. Withe the number of respondents 125 students and alumni of the PTMA East Java campus. Data analysis in this study used the statistical technique Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study indicate that there are two significant direct effects, marketing mix on word of mouth and college decisions, and word of mouth on college decisions does not have a significant effect. Then this study show 1 indirect effect which is not significant, marketing mix to collage decision through word of mouth. Base on the results of the study, college should maintain a marketing mix strategy so that they can improve word of mouth and college decisions for prospective students.

Pendahuluan / Prolog

This study aims to determine the role of word of mouth in mediating the influence of the marketing mix on college decisions at the PTMA campus in East Java. This research consists of one independent variavle is marketing mix, one intervening variable word of mouth and one dependent variable is college decision. This study uses sample data collection through questionnaires. Withe the number of respondents 125 students and alumni of the PTMA East Java campus. Data analysis in this study used the statistical technique Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study indicate that there are two significant direct effects, marketing mix on word of mouth and college decisions, and word of mouth on college decisions does not have a significant effect. Then this study show 1 indirect effect which is not significant, marketing mix to collage decision through word of mouth. Base on the results of the study, college should maintain a marketing mix strategy so that they can improve word of mouth and college decisions for prospective students.


Rita Ambarwati - Rita Ambarwati merupakan dosen tetap Fakultas Bisnis Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo yang mengampu beberapa mata kuliah diantaranya: manajemen operasional, riset operasi, manajemen pemasaran, strategi pemasaran. Putri ke-4 dari pasangan bapak H. Sudarso dan Ibu Hj. Sri Asmaningwati ini lahir di Surabaya, 07 April 1980 yang mengawali kariernya sebagai praktisi perbankan tahun 2000 – 2012 dan menjadi trainer dan dosen manajemen operasional sejak 2017. Latar belakang pendidikan peneliti antara lain: S-1 Manajemen, Universitas Wijaya Putra di Surabaya (lulus tahun 2003). S-2 Magister Manajemen Teknologi, ITS 10 Nopember Surabaya (lulus tahun 2011), dan S-3 Program Doktor Ilmu Manajemen, Universitas Brawijaya di Malang (lulus tahun 2014). Penulis terlibat dalam penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat baik didanai oleh Ristekdikti maupun dana mandiri tentang strategi pengembangan produk dan tema manajemen operasional dalam industri.

Daftar Isi

Sampul Depan
Halaman Sampul
Hak Cipta
Table of Content
Chapter I. Introduction
Chapter II. Literature Review
Chapter III. Method
Chapter IV. Result and DIsussion
Chapter V. Conclusion
Author's Profile
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