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The Measurement of Public Service Performance Toward Government Institution

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Every government institution or agency in Indonesia has an obligation to provide public services so that people's welfare can be realized. Government services are essentially held to provide services to the community and create conditions that allow each member of the community to be able to develop their abilities and creativity in order to achieve common goals. Public service is every activity carried out by the government to a number of people who have every activity that is beneficial in a collection or unity, and offers satisfaction even though the results are not physically tied to a product. Public service is the provision of services (serving) the needs of other people or people who have an interest in the organization in accordance with the basic rules and procedures that have been determined. Based on the understanding of public services that have been explained above, then in this study it can be concluded that public services are any activities carried out by the government in order to serve the needs of the community, whether those services in the form of goods, services or public administration, directly or indirectly, in accordance with applicable legal procedures for the attainment of community welfare.

Ikhtisar Lengkap   
Penulis: Rita Ambarwati

Penerbit: Pustaka Rumah C1nta
ISBN: 9786239327262
Terbit: April 2020 , 81 Halaman


Every government institution or agency in Indonesia has an obligation to provide public services so that people's welfare can be realized. Government services are essentially held to provide services to the community and create conditions that allow each member of the community to be able to develop their abilities and creativity in order to achieve common goals. Public service is every activity carried out by the government to a number of people who have every activity that is beneficial in a collection or unity, and offers satisfaction even though the results are not physically tied to a product. Public service is the provision of services (serving) the needs of other people or people who have an interest in the organization in accordance with the basic rules and procedures that have been determined. Based on the understanding of public services that have been explained above, then in this study it can be concluded that public services are any activities carried out by the government in order to serve the needs of the community, whether those services in the form of goods, services or public administration, directly or indirectly, in accordance with applicable legal procedures for the attainment of community welfare.

Pendahuluan / Prolog

Praise the presence of Allah SWT for its abundance of grace and grace so that the monograph of The Measurement of Public Service Performance Toward Government Institution has been completed. This monograph is the result of research on Application of the Concept of Unethical Action on Governance of Public Services to Strengthen Integrity and Public. Thank you to all parties who have helped in the completion of this monograph. We realize that there are still deficiencies in this monograph that criticism and suggestions for the improvement of this book are desirable.


Rita Ambarwati - Rita Ambarwati merupakan dosen tetap Fakultas Bisnis Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo yang mengampu beberapa mata kuliah diantaranya: manajemen operasional, riset operasi, manajemen pemasaran, strategi pemasaran. Putri ke-4 dari pasangan bapak H. Sudarso dan Ibu Hj. Sri Asmaningwati ini lahir di Surabaya, 07 April 1980 yang mengawali kariernya sebagai praktisi perbankan tahun 2000 – 2012 dan menjadi trainer dan dosen manajemen operasional sejak 2017. Latar belakang pendidikan peneliti antara lain: S-1 Manajemen, Universitas Wijaya Putra di Surabaya (lulus tahun 2003). S-2 Magister Manajemen Teknologi, ITS 10 Nopember Surabaya (lulus tahun 2011), dan S-3 Program Doktor Ilmu Manajemen, Universitas Brawijaya di Malang (lulus tahun 2014). Penulis terlibat dalam penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat baik didanai oleh Ristekdikti maupun dana mandiri tentang strategi pengembangan produk dan tema manajemen operasional dalam industri.

Daftar Isi

Halaman Sampul
Hak Cipta
Kata Pengantar
Daftar Isi
Chapter I Measuring for Performance Service Public
Chapter II Measuring Good Governance
Chapter III Citizen Trust
Chapter IV Unethical Actions
Author Biography